A psychological evaluation is required by your surgeon prior to scheduling your procedure. The evaluation is an interview of about 1 hour. After the meeting, Dr. McCormick will consult with your primary care physician, and psychotherapist or psychiatrist if applicable, and then write a report and send it to your surgeon.
At this meeting you will talk about your understanding of the risks and benefits of surgery, your goals and expectations, and what you perceive to be your biggest challenges after surgery. Dr. McCormick will also take a history focused on mental health, substance abuse, and family background.
Some people who seek weight loss surgery speak about issues from their past, specifically sexual trauma, that they may not have spoken about before. Dr. McCormick has extensive experience working with patients who have survived traumatic events, having trained in the Rape Crisis Intervention Program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the PTSD Clinic at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center.